
Sunday, January 10

Money money money~

The 1st post of the year.
26…. It is only going to get bigger and bigger…
Still studying and has no working experience whatsoever.

I was talking with a friend few days back on how long this medical course is taking… can’t I just skipped all this.. and start giving morphine for pain and gentamycin for infections?! Well… obviously not!
Well I guess my favorite phrase of ‘It’s all part of the learning curve’ is chewing on my ass now..

For some reason, I had the urge of coming out to work and have the power of income earning. I remembered the day I graduated from Melbourne Uni, my mum told me this “don’t have to work yet, still young.. go study somemore 1st. Not as if the family needs u to feed”
I must admit that financial security has always been stable and kind to me. But the talk that I had with the bois in Kikuzakura got me thinking about a lot of socio-economic issues such as marriage, buying a house and career road maps.

It all started because D mentioned his plans of buying a house, settling down and his career road map. Then the rest of us just chipped in suggestions and point of views… some were good while some were “unrealistic”. Unrealistic in the way of each of us were coming from different work background and had very different views on life.


Hermit + computer engineer

Clubbing mania + soft programmer (sorry might be wrong classification for u, Miyaki! lol)

Computer software… service provider?! (D, I really don’t know what you do..)

And then, there is me… the student4life club’s president.

But we all did come to a consensus that buying house (landed property or apartment) cannot happen concurrently with marriage, given our financial status (Not sure about the businessman, maybe he is being humble!! Kekeke)

This issue probably hit home more to me as both of my elder siblings are married/getting married and had plan of starting their own family. And even for them, the starting point was not easy. And to make matter worse, both of them and their spouses are doctors, worked at least 4 years before jumping into the marriage wagon!
I stopped and pondered…pondered… & pondered.
What are my chances now … Great

For some reason, I used to say that I want to get marry when I am 28 and have my 1st born when 30. Like how my younger sis kept saying how I ‘hang gar’.
I guess for my case, it is kinda different… since not many places offer same sex marriage or civil partnership…
Oh well but that’s a different story all together now..

So the point is that before this, my perception of ‘getting married and buying a house’ was as easy as pie… but now.. reality kicks in…
My dream house and dream wedding will have to wait..
But the best thing is…

I don’t have to search him anymore =)

This is Moreton Bug with tiger prawn in a cafe in Brisbane. It has a different taste from prawn and lobster. The texture is tangy and succulent and it goes so well with garlic sauce. Yuuuummm!!


d-sky said...

D: Test Specialist + Aspiring Wedding Photographer

Really didn't expect my question to make such an impact on you..

keisuke keng said...

oooo okok =) i will remember it now!!!
haha why not? it's one of those 'ok what's next' kinda question..

Unknown said...

so im a 'boi' huh
and wtf is a soft programmer?!
sounds porno-ish

keisuke keng said...

well, u are going to be 'uncle' status soon... haha so enjoy ur 'boi' status as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

the businessman most probably is eccentric!

Buying house + marriage must should come hand in hand if you really want to get some time alone I figure.

Cohabitation often changes quite a lot of things for couples who only sleep over. Don't even start to think adapting to stay with you in-laws or her in-laws(if it happens) is an easy change to daily life =)

Anyway getting married is nowadays a traditional concept which is slowly fading from the new generation. IMHO if you do not have a NEED to get married, why bother the rush ? ~ food for thought ~


the entrepreneur