
Sunday, October 18

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Psychiatry 101

Today I would like to introduce this term 'histrionic personality disorder'.

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers.

Causes: unknown but childhood traumatic experiences have been implicated.

Their symptoms consist of:
* Exhibitionist behavior.
* Constant seeking of reassurance or approval.
* Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotions.
* Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval.
* Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior.
* Excessive concern with physical appearance.
* A need to be the center of attention.
* Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification.
* Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated
* Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are.
* Making rash decisions. (Wikipedia)

Now doesn't these symptoms sound familiar?!

This is my home-made pesto spaghetti with grilled chicken. I so so so love the pesto sauce~~ yummmmmmm

altho.. can't compare with

yummmm.. some seared salmon pasta with mentaiko sauce in Coffee Connoisseur!

Thursday, October 15

Ken Seng ....

Nick just called me 'Ken Seng' ... my heart is bleeding..
That asexual plant!! ...

Dirty Sam always called me tat too...


Lub Dub~~

Today was a glorious day. My 1st cardiac thoracic surgery observation. It was valve replacement for a severe infective endocarditis. The moment I saw the open chest with a large beating heart in front of me, I was so grateful that my heart is normal. As many would have known by now that surgery was never my thing. Last night, I even thought that I am going to dread the surgery session as I know peanuts about the case and procedures.

However, the moment I saw the beating heart stopped as it was being connect to the heart lung machine and from a still heart back to a beating heart, I realized how surreal the operation was. At the moment, I truly felt that surgeons are being God at that moment (no wonder they are paid so ungodly!). And the anesthesiologist is like the King of the floor. Every little thing goes through him. 'Fluid! Heparin! O2! Go get your coffee break now!' So peeps, don't piss your anesthesiologist!!!

This is my homemade tempura set. I had severe craving for Japanese tempura after 1 month being here. So I decided to made my own.. as I knew that the ones here are most likely to be expensive rubbish. It was aubergine, mushroom and prawn tempura. I had to use the Korean batter as they dont have the japanese one.... and...no tempura sauce too...so I used honey mustard sauce.

Friday, October 9


ARGGHHHH... a month has passed since I last had proper japanese food! I am dying for a ebi tempura now!! I am contemplating of getting a deep fryer..

Did ballroom 101 this week! It was amazingly fun!! Very crowded but I at least my posture was correct~ probably due to my years of yoga =)

but I still want my ebi tempura T____T

This is one of the best lamb I have ever eaten to date... It was from a place called Max's place.. very nice!! yummmmm