Today I would like to introduce this term 'histrionic personality disorder'.
People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers.
Causes: unknown but childhood traumatic experiences have been implicated.
Their symptoms consist of:
* Exhibitionist behavior.
* Constant seeking of reassurance or approval.
* Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotions.
* Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval.
* Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior.
* Excessive concern with physical appearance.
* A need to be the center of attention.
* Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification.
* Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated
* Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are.
* Making rash decisions. (Wikipedia)
Now doesn't these symptoms sound familiar?!
This is my home-made pesto spaghetti with grilled chicken. I so so so love the pesto sauce~~ yummmmmmm
altho.. can't compare with
yummmm.. some seared salmon pasta with mentaiko sauce in Coffee Connoisseur!